Friday 16 December 2016

Shot List

Shot List
Scene: 1
Shot Number:1
Outside on a seat


Car Park setting

Out in an open field



Two people are sitting on a brick wall and then one of them turns to the other and says ‘try these drugs’ little does the viewer know, there is a mystery man wanting to kill the person talkingWe see another student coming into the classroom and happens to hear the conversation the other student was having and was caught by the student. The student on the film accused her of eaves dropping

The audience get to see a glimpse of the killers eyes before the two people get scared and run away.

Students looking for two missing students and one of them turns up out of nowhere

The two people run to the car and the girl tries to put the keys in but she drops it, she understands the killer is too close so she runs towards to gate and grabs the boy.

The camera is used as the killer and as the camera gets closer the girl manages to escape but the boy stands behind the bars because the gate closes, as the killer gets closer he kills the boy and the boy is left on the floor

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Shooting Schedule

Shooting Schedule

Cast +Crew










Outside of classroom

Both shots inside and outside of classroom

Open field outside of school




Regular clothes for school

Regular sixth form clothing

Regular sixth form clothing

Regular sixth form clothing

Regular sixth form clothing
Board Marker


Two female leads





Saturday 10 December 2016

Location sheet

Location Visit Sheet

Programme Title: Missing One
Writer: Alexandra
Producer: Alexandra
Director: Alexandra
Date: 20/02/17

Rough Sketch/Explanation of location and key points to note

Access to location via: Robert Clack School via media studies block

Name and number of location contact: Robert Clack School

Health and Safety Issues to note: Make sure to stand further back from the camera to prevent tripping and injury

Potential Filming Problems :

  • Camera could break
  • Camera could shut off
  • Videos could be deleted
  • too much noise from students walking around filming site

Additional Notes:  (map of area/weather forecast etc)

Monday 5 December 2016


This is our story board!

1st photo: You can see the teacher teaching a class and 2 girls sitting down listening.
2nd photo: Then one of the girls pick up her phone and start texting.
3rd photo: The girl with the phone gets a message from her 'drug dealer'.
4th photo: Then a girl walks in who seems to be the girl who's texting best friend.
5th photo: As  they are sitting chatting the girl gets a phone call.
6th photo: She then asks the teacher if she can leave the class.
7th photo: she is waiting by the stairs looking worried.
8th photo: then someone comes over who is her 'drug dealer'
9th photo: the girl explains how she doesn't have the money to give to the drug dealer.
10th photo: Then they start fighting at the top of the stairs.
11th photo: The 'drug dealer' pushes her down the stairs and happily walks away.
12th photo: her best friend, the other girl and teacher come out of the classroom and see what happened.

Friday 2 December 2016

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment
Group Members:Alexandra Location:Robert Clack school
Person(s) at Risk
Likelihood of Hazard
1 – Extremely Unlikely
5 – Extremely Likely
Severity of Hazard Outcomes
1 – Very Low Risk
5 – Very High Risk
Risk Level
(Likelihood + Severity)
Measures to Take to Manage Risk
Risk Managed?
Camera/tripod/TrippingCamera man/woman331Make sure to stand further back from the camera to prevent tripping and injuryY
Weather/WindCast/Crew111Make sure to be firm on the ground so that if the wind blows too much they will not trip
Tidy up area before filmingCast/Crew552Could trip over wires and cause camera to break as well as bones in the body

Emergency Service: 999
Robert Clack School: 020 8270 4222
Other Contacts: All Saints020 8270 4242

Monday 28 November 2016

Costumes and Props

Character Name: Emily

Costume: Regular sixth form attire

Props: Classroom
Character Name: Tia
Costume: Regular sixth form attire since they will be in school

Props: Phone
Character Name: Viktorija
Costume: Regular sixth form attire

Props: Phone

Friday 25 November 2016


Group Roles: Working on my own not with a group but i have my colleagues to help me

Cinematography: Emily, Viktorija, Tia
Mise-en-scene: Alexandra
Sound: Alexandra
Editing: Alexandra
Title: Missing One

Tag Line: Mystery, thrilling, suspense

Synopsis: This thriller tells a story about a young girl who finds out a secret she was not supposed to find out and goes missing after that.

Key Genre Conventions: Disturbing low pitch sounds to create suspense and tension. Fast pace editing and a vulnerable character.

Monday 21 November 2016

Production meeting 3

In this production meeting we filmed put the rough copy. we also talked about different ideas for our final idea. Due to this we was able to film we some of our idea.

During this meeting we took pictures to show what we were doing.

Friday 18 November 2016

Final idea for thriller

As our final idea we chose to go with the idea where there are two best friends that go to school and one of the friends has turned to the use of drugs and the girl's friend is trying all the ways she can think of to her help her but in the end it doesn't take a good ending. This is because one of the friends ends up owning money to the drug dealer and can not pay him back. 

We decided to go with this idea because its more to do with a thriller and we all agreed on this in our second production.

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Production meeting 2

This me and my team's second production meeting where we talked about what to add unto our shot. We discussed how to create more suspense and tension in this thriller as it has to do with secrets and the person finding out about it goes missing, it becomes a mystery. 

Monday 14 November 2016

Audience Research On Three Initial Ideas

On this idea this audience thought that it was a good idea but doesn't meet the brief and the task that we had to do.  We should also try to make it more with a plot and to show that its a thriller. -Stefan Sarkodie


This is a good idea you should combine this idea with the third idea to make it a really good thriller and it looks like it will have tense moments that will create a good atmosphere to the audience. Dennis Vandi 

Friday 11 November 2016

Three initial ideas for thriller

Our first idea was to have a drug scene where two of our actors. This climax for this story would be that two friends need money and they are not having any luck getting jobs and their parents are not financial  stable. So because of this reason they decided  to turn to the use of drugs. They met a girl that gave them a free sample and it made them hooked on the drugs so they know starting selling drugs to make money for themselves.


Our second idea would be that two friends were best friends then one of the girls got herself caught up in mess that she couldn't get out off and she owed people money. So for her to get out of this she started doing drugs and then she her friend found out what she was doing and didn't approve of it so she thought she would speak to someone about it instead she found out what she was doing they had a big fight and it doesn't end so well. 


Our third idea would be that one of the girls was secretly crazy and she didn't want anyone to be close to her best friend so every time that someone would get close she would go on a mad rage and kill them. The best friend finds out what she is doing and is scared that she is going to be next so she tries everything to get away from her , but she keeps coming back. 

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Production meeting 1

This is our first production meeting with my team. Where we decided what to put in our film and generate ideas about how to make it look good. I am doing this on my own but these are the people helping me film as there cant be five people in one group.

Monday 7 November 2016

My Production Team

My production team consists of 4 girls:

  1. Viktorija 
  2. Emily
  3. Alexandra(Me)
  4. Dezzie
Within my team there are 4 main roles that need to be fulfilled by each member of the group. These roles include:

  • Director - Emily
  • Filming - Viktorija
  • Sound - Dezzie
  • Editing - Alexandra

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Preliminary Task & Evaluation

In this course work thriller we told a story about how a girl who owes money to a woman is being chased down by her because she isn't able to pay her back which resulted in her death.

This gif here shows the match on match action with her opening the door on the outside and shows her going inside

This gif here shows the shot/ reverse shot which is used for conversations or arguments between two characters and is very effective as it shows the emotions of both characters as they both talk.

This gif here shows the 180 degree rule bring intact and not being broken. We see both characters on the same sides of the character not being moved from their previous position therefore the audience do not get confused. 

This gif shows the eye line match. Where it shows the message on the phone then cuts to her looking at the message on the phone.

I think that we used and followed all the techniques that we could and i do not see anything wrong with the work.

The positives about this is that we were able to include all the editing techniques that were told to which is the main priority of this coursework. 

However what we could have done to improve this course work is the camera work that was done, other than that I think we did a good work seen as this is the first time

Monday 31 October 2016

Film Noir

Related imageFilm Noir

Film Noir is the term given by French film critics to a group of films made in Hollywood from 1941 to 1958.

These characterized their pessimistic, dark themes that show the darker side of human nature.

They are filmed using low key lighting to give the film hard, sharp look with strong areas of contrast between light and dark.

Lightning is used to create atmosphere in these extracts:

This is an extract from Farewell my lovely
The lightning used here is low-key lightning and we can see shadows on the wall and silhouettes.

This is an extract from The Big Combo 
The lightning used here is very low so they used low key lighting in this scene. since this was a low budget they didn't have enough money to get what they wanted so instead of an airport they used a car park and instead of an airplane they used an off screen sound of an airplane and flashing lights to cause the illusion that there was an actual plane in the scene when there wasn't. So lightning is a very powerful tool in the film industry and can be used for a lot of things.

Saturday 29 October 2016

The Art Of The Title

I used this because it is a very creative and unique way of opening a film which no other films have done or even if it has been done before, at least no to this standard. I like the way this is edited with Deadpool beating up the criminals whilst they are frozen in time. He seems to be having the time of his life, even through the debris and blood splashing around him, what makes it even more interesting is the fact that Deadpool has the time to communicate with the audience whilst in a brutal fight. He says funny things which makes it more engaging for the audience. This is certainly a thought out opening sequence of a film.

Thursday 27 October 2016

Title Sequences

The production company of panic room is Columbia, owned by Sony Pictures Entertainment. The title ident became popular as Columbia( Sony Pictures is a part of the big six in Hollywood Studios)

The production team of the girl with the dragon tattoo was also produced by Sony but they used an ident not recognised by the audience as this was the first film Sony had produced.

The production team of this film was Newline Cinema, which is owned by Time Warner which is also popular as it counts as one of the big six studios. We see the title through a short footage which is the first thing shown in the trailer. The title "panic room" gives viewers an idea of the genre that the film will portray because panicking is a negative emotion.

Tuesday 25 October 2016




  These are the six major command approximately of box office taking of 90% 

  1. Paramount 
  2. Universal
  3. 20th Fox Century
  4. Warner Bros Pictures
  5. Walt Disney
  6. Columbia Pictures
The Indies or Independent Film Productions

  1. Warp
  2. Film Four
  3. Icon Productions
  4. Focus
  5. Related imageRelated imageImage result for Warp


 Ident is designed to identify a particular studio. It is the the logo. it needs to be memorable and easy for the audience to recognise.

The purpose of it is that it is designed to give you some form of announcement as to watch program or channel you are on 

Re branding so the channel can keep up to date.

An indent is a moving image so it makes it visually stimulating so you can identify what the narrator is talking about.