Friday 11 November 2016

Three initial ideas for thriller

Our first idea was to have a drug scene where two of our actors. This climax for this story would be that two friends need money and they are not having any luck getting jobs and their parents are not financial  stable. So because of this reason they decided  to turn to the use of drugs. They met a girl that gave them a free sample and it made them hooked on the drugs so they know starting selling drugs to make money for themselves.


Our second idea would be that two friends were best friends then one of the girls got herself caught up in mess that she couldn't get out off and she owed people money. So for her to get out of this she started doing drugs and then she her friend found out what she was doing and didn't approve of it so she thought she would speak to someone about it instead she found out what she was doing they had a big fight and it doesn't end so well. 


Our third idea would be that one of the girls was secretly crazy and she didn't want anyone to be close to her best friend so every time that someone would get close she would go on a mad rage and kill them. The best friend finds out what she is doing and is scared that she is going to be next so she tries everything to get away from her , but she keeps coming back. 

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