Tuesday 7 February 2017

Evaluation Question 4) Who would be the audience for your media product?

4) Who would be the audience for your media product? 

Create your own user feedback survey

As you can see from the questionnaire above which i used survey monkey to create, I ask questions about the audience age to know necessarily who is watching my media product, and also, their ethnicity so that they can relate to my thriller especially if the majority is black since there is a black character(Damola) who is dressed up with a hood on and deals with drugs and this a stereotype that most black people are accused of on a daily basis so my viewers can relate to it. I gave this questionnaire to family and friends close to me.

 From the graph at the side, we can see that from ages 16-31 would go view our thriller but not so much those under 15 because this is a thriller that depicts a lot of violence and drug use as well which might not be pleasant thing to show children under age therefore it is completely understandable to receive this result. From the graph we can see that the highest age group that would view our thriller is 16-20 years old and this is mainly because it is relate-able. As we all know that teenagers are put in a very negative light more than any other age group and our thriller shows that negativity as there is drugs, violence and peer pressure involved in this thriller. Those at the ages of 31+ would view our thriller but not so many of them probably because it does not relate to them and their lives but the minority that would watch might watch it because it relates to their children.

What class would view your media product?

From the graph, we can see that the working class is at the top of the graph and this is because the film deals with the youth in London in which some of them work therefore it is more likely yo appeal to them as they can identify with some of the issues mentioned in the thriller such as ethnic minorities. However we can see that the Upper class is at the bottom of the graph and our thriller would definitely not attract them because they are the ones who are dominant therefore thy make the stereotypes. So i doubt that they would want to go and view a film that heavily criticises them.

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