Saturday 24 September 2016

Colour and Lighting

Colour: Denotation And Connotation
Denotation is the literal description of an idea, concept or an object.
Connotation is what we associate with a particular idea, concept or object.

Red Denotation is the colour itself red. The literal meaning.

Red Connotations
  • Danger
  • Death
  • Anger
  • Blood
  • Love
  • Romance
Blue connotations
  • Pure
  • Sea
  • Sad
  • Calm
  • Cold


Standard Lighting setup includes:
  • Back light
  • Reflector/ Filler Light
  • Key Light
Image result for key light

The KEY LIGHT is the brightest and most influential.

Image result for backlightThe BACK LIGHT helps counteract the effect of the key light or creates an outline or silhouette. 

Image result for filler light media

FILLER LIGHT helps soften the harsh shadows that use of key and back light creates.

Image result for underlighting

UNDER LIGHTING is when the main source comes from below the subject. Used in Thrillers and Horror Films.

Image result for top lightingTOP LIGHTING is when the main source of lighting comes from above- highlighting the features- used to create a glamorous look.

Low-key And High-key Lightning

Image result for low key lightingLOW-KEY LIGHTNING is created by using only the key and back lights. This will produce a sharp contrast of light and dark areas on the screen as very deep, distinct shadow are formed known as Chiaroscuro(from Italian for light- Chiaro and dark- Oscuro

Image result for high key lighting
  • Here, more filler lights are used. Lightning appears realistic.

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