Wednesday 6 January 2016


The plot of this short film is about four friends who have a gathering and do not invite the other friend so she finds out and shows her anger and hurt and the others try to explain.

This exercise was done to show different emotions shown in films and we did our best to try and show as much possible emotions in two minutes with the story line that we had in mind.

Here you can see that the three friends are relaxed and talking whilst waiting for their other friend to arrive.

Here we see the friend they were waiting for fall on the ground and that is obviously embarrassing for her.

The reason why i put both fright and anger is because the fright is leaning towards the four friends as we see their demeanour change when the other friend they had the meeting without comes. They stopped talking abruptly, cast their eyes down, lifted their legs from the chair and now sitting in an uncomfortable position and eyes wandering. I think the actors did a good job of showing their fright. The anger is leaning towards the friend who just came in and we can see this from the way she stands and looks at the other four.

Here we see their nervousness as they try to explain why they hadn't invited her and it is much better with the sound in the full video above as you can here the nervousness in their voices but this gif shows their nervousness through their actions as the girl trying explain starts fiddling with her fingers and the other has their mouths to their hands.

We see extreme anger from the other friend as she fails to believe the explanation her friends gave to her as to why she was not invited to the meeting. This shown through the dialogue, the way she flips the chair over and slams the door.

I think this short film did a good job of showing emotions throughout the dialogue and actions of the characters.

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